Searching calendars
You can search for events based on search text that you enter.
The search text in the Search Calendar field can be one or more words and/or partial words in any order, and the search results will include all events with matching text.
To search for events:
- In the Search Calendar field, enter the keywords that you want to search for.
- Click
- Click
to open the Advanced Search options in the Mail toolbar.
- Enter the search criteria.
- Click Search.
The search results are displayed.
To search for events using advanced search:
The following options are available:
Content:- Specifies any keywords or phrases in the content of the event for which you want to search. Enter any keywords or phrases to narrow your search criteria.
Calendar:- Lists the calendar to narrow your search criteria.
Category:-Lists the categories that you can select to narrow your search criteria.
From:- Specifies the start date to search for events from.
To:- Specifies the to date to search for events to.
Reminder:- To search for events with a reminder only.